I am.

Feeling: psychotic
I am a wrestler. I wrestle with my past failures; I wrestle with my demons of doubt; I wrestle with my pain and my scars. I wrestle with my mind My heart and soul My love and hate My joy and sorrow. I wrestle with myself With my opponent and his pains. In the end I will be victorious. I am a wrestler. I'm friggin psyched for the season to start. Regionals for cross country is like another day compared to my season of wrestling. I'm waiting. Is it bad that I tell myself I love pain so I keep running on my bad knee, or that I smile when I bleed, or that I laugh when I dislocate my shoulder on the mat? No. It's just me. Love it or leave it. Carla, thanks for doing the former.
Read 17 comments
I'm on if you're here.
Okey. I love you too.
Hrm. They might have made an iSatan actually
Don't insult him too much or he'll send you to hell ya know.
That was a fun little conversation you had with God.
Okey dokey. If you haven't already, you should send it in a new conversation because our other one is getting a bit confusing. And the "I ha" thing was because your text message to me got cut off at "I ha".
I love the iGod. It sucks sometimes though and doesn't work.
Too bad mine won't be thick for much longer. Haha, kidding. It will probably never go away, which is actually a good thing.
It's not YOUR quote silly. I remember you saying it but I found it on some website and recognized it. And yes, I did skip class. But I went and turned in my paper so points for that.
good song that you're listening to...

where did you get that quote on the left?
You'll have to mail me because I'm headed to class. I got sick so I should last the hour and fifteen. We'll see when I get there. Call me later.
I'm out of class at 4:45. But I'm not feeling all that well so I might just turn in my paper and come back here. How long will you be online?
I don't really have a whole lot of time to talk. I have class in... 3 minutes.
Okey dokey Mr. Bossy.

Hello now that you're online.
well it's beautiful.

so where are you from?
... because it's beautiful :-P