
Feeling: nostalgic
I heard a new song, from a band I've never heard of. Me likey. The lyrics are awesome and I likes the delivery. Ask me some time and I'll let you listen. Anywho, yesterday's news: Found out I got the lamest part of all in the musical: I'm a fuggin coatrack. Don't ya love that? I got a lead last year...this year, nothin. I have four lines in the ENTIRE PLAY. I SING ONE SONG. Apparently I suck at singing. Whatever. Passed out at Cross Country practice due to the heat. Got a blood test and it turned out that I didn't have enough electrolytes in my system, so I passed out. Note to self - need to eat something with some kind of salt in it. Went to musical and liked it for a while; well, until I heard Joe. I really am mad that he got the part I tried for, especially since he's 1) late for every practice, 2)too "Joe" when he acts (and is almost nothing like maurice) and 3) probably sings better than me. Went to bed after a nice conversation with Carla. I miss her. I really love her, too. Today's news: Had a tornado drill in Adv. Drama. Boy that was lame. We got to cram into a hot, sweaty practice room, and I got groped QUITE A LOT. Too many girls on my case these days. I'M TAKEN. Had the AP Psych test, which was quite easy. I really liked it, actually; easy, quick, painless. Which means I most likely failed it. Ben took charge in yearbook. I got title page, and that's it. I volunteered for like 3 layouts whilst many people just sat there and talked or played on the comps. There was a maximum of 4 people volunteering for the 16 layouts. It was the uber stupidness. We need to slice and dice some of those people out. Cross country today: third one to finish the 4 miler. in 92 degree weather (84% humidity, so about 97 degrees). We got done approx. 5 minutes before anyone else -- i actually ran fast. I think tomorrow I'm gonna try to stay around a 20 minute pace. If I find a fast guy, I'm there. Musical tonight...fuck it. I'm within centimetres of quitting. It's pointless for me to be there, far as I'm concerned. And now, our feature, Carla and her awesomeness. Carla is soooooo awesome, it's almost like she's a goddess on earth blessing the unworthy Kyle with her amazing beauty and just plain coolness. I so wish I could be her.
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Hey Kahl! ok, i realize you're sore about not getting a good part for musical, but please don't quit!!! we need you for that part, i realize that it's really lame, but c'mon, don't quit. i know it sounds stupid and lame, but always remember my man, there are no small parts, just small actors!P.S.: I do however completely agree with you on the joe thing, seems we both have prob with joes taking the parts we wanted and could do better at...