A Moment of Silence

Listening to: Silence
Feeling: sinful
The sad news just came to me. One of my friends from England, Luey's best friend Joe, has had two deaths in his family. Now, whilst Joe and Luey live in Leeds, Wakefield, they have relatives in London, and unfortunately, Joe's aunt and uncle were killed in one of the explosions. A moment of silence for our fallen human comrades. "Open your hearts and you will find that everyone resides within everyone else."
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:( a moment of silence for London.
A moment of silence for Chechnya.
A moment of silence for Iraq.
A moment of silence for the world.
thats so horrible. send ur friend our prayers and condolances. i hope they catch the M/Fers who did this!!

i deeply regret...all of it. i assure you, my moment of silence lasted long. I apoligize for mankind and its flaws.