Cross Country

Feeling: outraged
So, I ran a 22:56 today at East Jordan. That's my fastest time in a while. I'm beating my current record for fastest second meet by like...3 minutes. Me likey. *sigh* Finally got a site for Senior Project. This may turn out alright in the end. I had loads of fun in AP English today...mostly of the nonsensical variety...and in XC, which was along that same vein. I'm tired. Like, ultra sore. I love it. I'm happy so many people are finally taking a shine to me. It makes me feel really great about myself. Almost like I could do anything, really. I wanna start a campaign for this Hurricane Katrina thing. I might have to drag out the sign with something that says "Please give. Katrina is the most deadly hurricane in the history of the world, and the death toll is estimated above 30,000 lives. Please, in the name of saving humanity, not for us, or for yourself, but for the mere preservation of life as we know it, spare something - change, dollars, clothing, food/water...anything would be appreciated." I feel almost like I could conquer the world and save them all. Maybe this is what I'm destined for. Maybe I'm here to sacrifice for the good of others. It surely seems to happen a lot. Anywho, I'm sleepy. Love to all, specially car. And yes, ellen...I'll deliver that package in me pocket on friday. :) bye everyone, and just for my colleagues with walkie talkies, KSH.
Read 2 comments
See, you totally felt orgasmic in writing the entry. You have now experienced the orgasmic joy of updating more than once a week. :) Wasn't it pleasant?
Okay, now seriously, why is there something of Ellen's in your pants? This is me doing my questioning eyebrow look. Hehe. Do we need to have words?
I love you!
congrats on the time! lol! and i feel the same way about helping!