It feels good to be back pt.2

Well as we left off last week i think i finaly can conclude my story. So as i was saying yes they did come out of he trees. There was hundreds of them!!! No millions, of all the little lego men. They flew around me in a swarm of furry; sprinkling me with powdered sugar. I ran in complete terror to the only place i could possibley hide... Patrics house.( Yes patrics house) I banged on the door screaming, with the squalling of a 30 year old chain smoker, to no avail. I could see the lego men in the distance, i knew that i had no time to dally. I did the only logiacal thing, i burst through his front window, rolling to the couch. No one was home as i saw...there was only a note on the table written in dwarven , i n crude scatches. It said : " if you are reading this... i am already at walmart buying a sweater. you know, the big blue one with the red bird knitted on it. If this is Ryan reading this, plz close the door and why the fuck are you in my house to begin with?" So i went to the frig grabbing the mountain dew in my arms and burt through the back window.. and ran into the sunset. The moral of this story is well you see there was this one guy he was a great warrior and did many things to show his greatness... yet no one recognized it. So he decided to climb a mountain, the highest one in the land, using no equipment other than his own cloths and megar food rations. He climbed the mountain in 2 weeks, then returned to the city to show his greatness. No one recognized his greatness again...for he forgot proof of his deed. So he left and climbed the mountain again and left all of his memories behind and became a deity. After all it is a violent pornography! The end
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