Just go ahead and bleed already...

Feeling: placid
Yeah today really irritated me. i mean it was fine... i mean i could deal with alot of crap.. you know ignore everything... until fucking Nina backed her car into mine oh boy just what i fucking need...that set me off, stupid bitch... learn how to drive before you drive to school. I dont need anymore shit to deal with... or another bill. I think i'm going to file a police report and get her ass to pay for it. No fucking around. I'm tired of being all goodie, goodie nice to everyone, and all i seem to get is shitfaced. Nothing is ever a equal exchange anymore.i 'm about to explode right now... no one seems to get it. Lol its all so funny. Yeah its just peachy around isn't it. No one fucking cares anymore... all they do is care about their own selfish desires. All people do is bitch how things are never right and oh no its not how they want it. I'm tired of hearing it...everyday its the same stupid shit. Well i say fuck it, i'm tired of trying with people. I see it so clearly...everyones just so blissfully ignorant. Join the masses huh... its just a mass mentality drug rehab huh? ><
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ho ho ho, so ryan finnaly says "fuck it" and i thought you would never come around to my mentality, so anyways while you are still in the state, what do you think of being pissed off? happens to me all the time, lol, it has been a while though, -nathan-
Go Ryan! Yeah you should definitely get her to pay for the damage in some way, though most insurances cover it, but how much damage was there? I've never seen you angry, it's very different. Well, good luck on getting things straightened out. Hope you have a better weekend! You know, it's Friday tomorrow, so be happy the week's finally over. :)
Dude, Emily.

ryan's week is NEVER over.

Ryan -- I'd like to get together with you about that art idea. It may be a fun mutual experience.