*boring so far...*

Feeling: leftout
hey dudes. sry i haven't written in forever...been too lazy to do it. lol. summer to me is all about laying around, eating, watching tv, watching movies, gettin' on the computer, relaxing, hanging with friends, and worrying about the new upcoming year of school. i'm sooo worried about high school it's not even funny! cuz it's not middle school, it's HIGH school! the highest school you can get to (besides college)!! the older kids there are like practically adults while us little 9th graders are still kids kinda. i don't like the sound of that. who knows wut the older kids do?...i still don't know if they bully the little kids or if they love the little kids...i've got 2 diff. stories about it so i'm just soo confused! :-( oh i got my report card in the mail on sat...the grades are: ELA: 94 (A) comp. ed.: 95 (A) PE/health: 96 (A) science: 93 (A) math: 91 (B) spanish: 87 (B) history: 92 (B) we also got our summer reading list in the mail. chelsea was over cuz yea she slept over and we were deciding wut we should read. her mom got briar rose for her...then later on that day i went out and got briar rose cuz none of the others were any more interesting... i still haven't gotten my dumbo rat...but it might be tomorrow or sometime this week. idk when. so i'm basically stuck at home, being bored, and reading. wut a great summer... well i'm gonna go, me and my mom are gonna try and clean up my room a bit. i always need help with cleaning cuz it's hard for me to let go of things...junk is treasure to me...so that's why my mom helps, to encourage me to throw things away. so i'm gonna go, bye bye, lyl! :-)
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