*2 down*

Feeling: sane
hey...well it's 2 more down...for my b-day party that is. amber and andria can't go :'(...they have reservations to go camping and they can't change the date or w/e...so now it's just gonna be me, chelsea, and samana. poo...this stinx. oh well...all 3 of us need a good time to spend together anyways b/c we haven't in a while now so this is a good chance to do so...and we've never gone to the movies at one time together before so it'll be fun...i hope... well today has been a day for hurt animals. first one of graham's dwarf frogs in his aquarium died...it's the one i always thought was a weirdo and how he was halarious cuz he did funny things...then my fish that they got for me and put in the aquarium somehow jumped out of the tank onto the floor (very weird) and now he's like sick or something. then kathy's kitty scar got bit or something on the foot and it looks like one of his toes got bitten off or something...so now it's all swollen and crap but she took him to the vet. THEN when i got bak from kathy's my mom had found a hurt baby bird that fell from it's nest onto our deck...so she took it to this wildlife clinic. i hope they all will be ok...except for the frog who's already dead and obviously not ok. samana WAS gonna take me and graham to the skatin' rink but when we got there we found out it was closed so we just went bak home. she stayed over my house and we watched dirty dancing...the first one. well that's all really. bye bye!
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