
Listening to: 104.7
Feeling: bored
hey! well not much has been happenin'. i don't think i got to tell you over all the excitement of the pack prowl...but my mom started her job on the 25th. so today was her 3rd day at work. it's weird cuz i'm not used to her being out all day...i'm used to her being home all the time. so now it's just me, graham, noah, and dad all day....cleaning. i had to vacuum the whole house, do dishes, and clean the poopoo box (kitty litter box, lol). since my mom's not there we gotta help more around the house to keep it clean so she won't have to come home tired and do MORE work...o well, i like helping out...plus she's paying me at the end of each week! :-) so sammy has had tummy aches...in otherwords he's been crapping everywhere. yesterday he had the runs i noticed cuz he crapped alot and i went to look at it and it was all wattery. so i was stupid and kept him out of his kennel after i left...and kathy came home to poo all over the place. whoops. so today he wasn't as bad...but he still pooed alot...and i had to keep him in his kennel, which he didn't crap in. ok enough about sammy and his poo... uhh, oh yeah. tonight was the first episode of the 2nd season of ghost hunters!! tonight's show was awesome. they went to one of the most haunted places in america...the myrtle plantation or something like that. alot of stuff happened that was awesome! i finally have some show to look forward to...i just to have bachelore, sex and the city, ghost hunters, and some other things during school...but then nothing...so finally something again. and maybe they'll have another bachelore or bachelorette on soon. i love those. they might be filming one rite now. hmm, wut else. i feel like there is something i need to tell you. well tomorrow i go bak to the high school for registration and i'm getting my schedule...oh dear. oh i haven't told u but like the 2nd day jo was here, sissy started walking on only 3 legs. her back left or rite leg, can't remember, is bothering her and she holds it up when she walks. and she's STILL doing that...we don't know wut's wrong... ohh yea! kristin's having a b-day pool party this saturday...i get to go! chelsea can't tho :'(...so i hope it won't be boring...cuz i doubt samana can go and if neither her or sam can go, i won't know anybody there except kristin. well i know delayni...but i don't really talk to her at all. but i FINALLY get to swim in a pool! YES! this will be the first time since last summer...well i did swim this summer, but that was in the ocean...so that doesn't count. well i guess that's all. i'm gonna go, bye bye, lyl! :-)
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have fun at kristen's pool party, i wasn't invited but i wouldn't be able to go anyways because saturday i'm shopping then sunday i have my cousin's birthday party and keith is coming over! lol. well have fun. ttyl. lylas.bye bye