*2nd worst day of my life*

Feeling: placid
ok well today just sux. i had high hopes that i'd find my flippin' purse but NOPE! i checked everywhere...office, homeroom, and the place i last saw it. *tear tear*...i still haven't told my mom and i think i'll just wait till tomorrow cuz i wanna check my strat. for success class first before i do anything cuz sam said that sometimes if teachers find something of ur's they turn it into that teacher. so i hope so!!!!! cuz if not then tomorrow i'm just dead. i wish strat. for success was first period!! i am so anxious to get my purse back...i want: my cell, little dude, my tweety wallet (that i've had since i was like 7), my library card, chapstick, make-up, schedule, money...and just basically everything that's in there!! WAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!! poor little dude :-(......poor me!! cuz i'm so gonna be dead.... ok well the second thing that was bad about today was amber. she's being such a b*tch to me and samana!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok at lunch she was quiet the whole time and then suddenly she says 'so what's the new news on mcr?' and i was like 'what????' and gave her this look like that was a STUPID thing to say!! and ugh!!! then a few min. later i said 'err, i wish i had my purse cuz i'm dying for a piece of gum!!' and she brings out her purse and gets a piece of gum out rite infront of me and plops it into her mouth...then she walks away. THAT'S JUST WAY TOO MEAN!!!!!!!!! GOD D*MNIT AMBER.....JUST LET THE STUPID THING GO!!! chelsea told me after lunch in the hall that amber had told her why she was mad at us and it was STILL because me and samana had scooted down the table and never scooted bak. and guess what...me and sam explained it all to her yesterday!! we had said we didn't scoot bak down b/c we knew she was mad at us. i had asked her when i scooted down 'why?' and she said 'because ya'll talk about them too much!!!!' so we never scooted bak cuz she was mad and we didn't wanna bother her. she's just making up lame excuses for being mad at us....i'm sick of it!!!!!!!!! i've got this whole stinkin' purse problem and i don't need a friend problem. >:-O oh and me and sam had fun in geography today. we got to partner up to color the map of latin america. so she told me about some joke her cousin did on yassar. first her cousin had whispered in her ear "epidurmis means skin'...so then her cousin turned toward yassar and said 'your epidurmis is showing!'...and sam just cracked up! once she told me i cracked up too!! i wanna do that to somebody...lol. oh and sam lined up my sharpies all neat and everything and i was like 'aww u lined up my markers, thankyou!' then i screwed it up...LOL, I WAS DYING!! u had to be there i guess well that's all for now, byez... x-x-x-brI-x-x-x
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haha yeah, i saw him at warped a few weeks ago...it was SO awesome! dude i was 6 effing feet away from him!!!
lol, im gonna see him again in about a month...dont worry though, i'll post pics for you guys ;)
well i'm sorry about your purse! that sux ASS!! and yea..i guess you DID have to be there...lol..lylas...byez...

course i'll have fun...its Gerard...lol