*kristin's b-day!*

Listening to: simple plan-promise
Feeling: lethargic
hey! today is kristin's b-day! well i woke up at like 11:30...UGH! i really need to get bak on my sleep schedule cuz school is in like 5 days! so anyways...i had to stay home alone all day cuz i had to shave my legs and get ready...while my fam. went out over to harbison. i wanted to go! i love harbison cuz like every shop is over there AND a mall! i was so lucky when i lived there. so anyways...a storm started up at like 4:30 and i got kinda scared of course. idk why but i just freak out when i'm home alone w/ a storm...i gotta be around ppl. kristin called and gave directions to the house and she said we might not swim b/c of the storm. so my fam. finally got home at like 5:15. my mom got her the jesse mccartney cd for her b-day...so i put that in a bag and dad couldn't get the burning system up to copy my backstreet boys cd for her so w/e...i'll give it to her some other time. then i went to grab my purse and saw 2 ants on it! and i knew something had bitten me like 30 min. ago when i got up on the couch. so i was like 'uhh there are ants on my purse!' and we looked around and they were everywhere! all over the carpet and behind the couch near the front door. so me and my mom just squished 'em first but found more so she just got the vacuum cleaner and vacuumed them up...but my dad still has to spray cuz there still are some. so anyways...i got there at like 5:45...my dad knew exactly where he was going. i was the last there except for sam. she got there at like 6:05. i was sooo glad when she got there! cuz me and her are alike...we don't like to dance are we're not very social so we just sat out while they danced in the other room. kristin kept telling us to come on but i didn't want to cuz i just don't like dancing...i guess cuz i'm just not good at it. oh we had pizza, cupcakes, and soda. so then i told kristin to tell her mom that it stopped raining. so we all got dressed and drove down to her dad's house like just down the street in the neighborhood. so i was soo excited when i stepped foot in the pool and when i put on some goggles and saw underwater. it was awesome!!!!!!! samana stayed in the shallow end but i was diving and going all the way to the bottom of the pool (8 ft). I WAS SO HAPPY!! :-D so we got out at like 8:30 (we went in at like 6:30) which sucked cuz i wanted to swim more and swim in the dark. poo...but i guess we had to go cuz sam had to leave at 9. which sucked even more! when we got bak we ate some more and then everybody went to dance and kristin opened presents. she loved my present, sam's monkey for her, and then some other ppl gave her shower gel and body wash and stuff like that. then sam left. everybody danced while i ate some funyuns. i felt kinda left out cuz i didn't know anybody except kristin but she was w/ them. i mean everybody was nice and everything but i'm not very social when it comes to ppl i don't know. now if it was kristin, chelsea, sam, amber, and andria i'd be happy and social. they listened to backstreet boys old cd's (which i wasn't a fan of them bak then cuz i liked spice girls) so i didn't know them...they also played eminem which was O-K...but i'm not a fan of him either. then kristin promised me i could listen to wut i wanted so i chose switchfoot :-) then i had to go home at 11. my dad picked me up. oh yeah, he got a new cell phone today! so now my mom and dad both have a cell...they have cingular. dad added one a phone to the plan. see, that's wut i want. i want to add a cingular phone to their plan and i'll tell them that i'll pay for w/e part of my bill is mine. like $10-$20 i'll pay. but i don't want to tell them that cuz they just got me my new phone for my b-day so yeah. this sux. i want a phone where i can actually have one of my fav. songs for my ringtone and a pretty wallpaper. ugh...oh well, maybe next year or atleast until christmas i'll wait to ask them that. so dad got a coolio flip phone. well nothing else to talk about so i'm just gonna go, bye! p.s. i had fun kristin.... x-x-x-hAppy-x-bIrthdAy!-x-x-x :-)
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it sounds like kristen's party was a blast..i wasn't invited :(...but i couldn't go anyways b/c i went shopping..yay...read my entry and it'll tell u what i got so far..but anyways i have a cingular phone..if u get one then me and u can talk on it and it'll be FREE!!! yay..but i guess i'll talk to u later..bye bye