So Long Sweet Summer

Listening to: Coheed and Cambria
Feeling: orgasmic
OK I am really bored and its almost 7 am and i havnt slept in awhile.. and im on the phone with amanda....What the fuck is zonked |..WITH THE OPPOSITE SEX..| [what do you notice first?]: Looks [last person you slow danced with]: no clue [worst question to ask]: uhhh |..WHO..| [makes you laugh the most?]: I dunno.. alot of people make me laugh [makes you smile?]: Amanda :-) [gives you a funny feeling when u see them]: amanda :-) [has a crush on u?]: I dont know [is easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: depends what we are talking about |..DO YOU EVER..| [sit on the net all day waiting for someone special to IM you?]: yeah [save aol/aim conversations]: yes [save e-mails]: yes wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: not really.. being a guy is cool [cried because of someone saying something to you]: course |..HAVE YOU EVER..| [fallen for your best friend]: no [been rejected]: deffinitly [rejected someone]: yes [used someone]: yeahh :-x [been cheated on]: in a way [done something you regret]: all the time |..WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON..| [you talked to]: amanda.. right now [you hugged]: Amanda [You instant messaged]: Amanda [You laughed with]: amanda |..DO YOU..| [color your hair]: no sir [ever get off the damn computer]: no i have no life [habla espanol]: yo hablo a pequeno espanol |..HAVE YOU / DO YOU / ARE YOU..| [smoke]: :-x.. once or twice [could you live without the computer?]: probally not.. i have no life remember [how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 196 [whats your favorite food?]: hehe ALot! [whats your favorite fruit?]: fruit is good [drink alcohol?]: yes.. a couple times [like watching sunrises or sunsets]: Of course.. they are beautifulll [what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: Emotional.. [trust others way too easily?]: unfortunitly yeahh :-/.. |..FINAL QUESTIONS..| [i want]: To love and to be loved [i wish]: Everyone was always happy [i love]: Music [i miss]: Amanda [i fear]: Lonliness and heartbrake [i hear]: Music.. Coheed .. [i wonder]: What tomarro brings.. its alive with such possibilitys....
Read 2 comments

--aww you are so cute :x --

-if i could o.p.e.n my chest
then maybe i could find a way
to give *you* just a little piece of my heart...-

i love you

I think physical pain is worst. Try having a monkey squeeze your nips while you are getting keys jammed uo your ass by mr. murry....yea mike you kno