its been awhile

Listening to: sufjan stevens
Feeling: sane
so it's been quite some time sence i'v written in here. Quite awhile if you will. I noticed nobody uses these anymore including myself and i forgot about it until just now. I don't even know what made me remember. But this is all my past all who I was and what I didn't know. If anybody reads this leave me a message. I figure everybody has a sweet myspace these days so they just use those, but this was trendy back in the day too.. haha. You know lately, i'v just been doing good in school, chillen with people, and of course, music, the first priority in my life. I feel like I could write so much right now, so much about what's been going on. But what's the point? Although I do wish I had some memories written down to look back on them and have a good laugh. But, at the same time I'm glad that I don't have some memories written down here, because they would tear me up. But I guess each entry tells a little storie, although it was of a past and I'm not sure if it was better or worse. Right now I'm thinking worse because of certain things that make it seem gruesome. But I have also changed alot since then so maybe I just wouldn't handle those situation in such an extreme way. But life has just been bleek and absolete lately. It's ok though, because life is what you make of it. I don't know I wonder about too much man, it's just i think about everything and I consider things too much I just over analize, you just gota go with the flow and relax. But anyway enough rambling, I don't know where I will go from here. Maybe another brilliant, uplifting, poetic entry is on the way.. hahah.. You've got a lure I can't deny.
Read 2 comments
I know what you mean & I agree completely.
I think sitd is still cool though.
even though myspace's are so great.

i like the way you write.
it's pretty great.

keeeep in touch.
if you ever sign back into sitd.

mike, we have to put these things back in style... i miss writing in this thing. almsot as much as i miss reading everything you always had to say about your life...

.. miss you