
Listening to: Thursday
Feeling: depressed
Allright.. Soo.. it's summer huh? ok well i'll tell you whats been going on.. well on uhh June 23 I left Amsterdam and went to Florida for 2 weeks.. 14 days.. and came back July 7th.. How was it? Well.. I went there with 220 dollars provided by mis padres and returned with nothing.. well I had to buy food.. Booze.. and drugs.. but thats vacation right.. But honestly. Humm I didn't go outside too much because A. It was raining most of the time.. B. No NEED. Ok so Most of the time I was just smoking. Sad but true. Went swimming at the springs which was pretty nice except for the "cold" water. Also went swimming in some ball bags pool on the 4th of July and ate their food too. So we also had some parties at la Casa.. 4th of July though.. Had a party at the house .. drank like 10 beers and some shots of jager in a small amount of time.. Stood out in the street like a jackass watching fireworks drinking beers. Nothing like that ehh? Yeah anyway so went into the bathroom threw up.. all that good stuff.. was lying on the floor for a little bit and people were annoying the fuck out of me knocking on the door and all i wanted to do was lie there.. so i got up and left the bathroom then went back and threw up some more and laid on the floor for a little bit.. then more annoying people so i just got up went into my brothers room and passed out on his bed.. exciting right? Humm I saw alot of good movies with their cable jump-off.. Had a ton of movie channels so it was alll goooood.. Had some crazy bongs there.. word.. They had a sweet indo board.. IF you don't have one I suggest you invest into one. They are more fun that a barrel of monkeys.. Anyway the best was "The Fort" which consisted of a few felt walls connected together covered by a blanket used for.. well I'll let you use your immagination with that one. Got to listen to SDK (Slow Dance Kings).. But I didn't get to see their show which was probally pretty dope. Humm met some rad people down there.. There were some good memories down in WP.. It's funny though. As I was leaving Amsterdam for the airport I was thinking that I was going to miss Amsterdam and 2 weeks was too long.. But as I was at Orlando airport waiting for my delayed plane I was thinking that I really did not want to come back to Amsterdam. There was nothing here that I wanted to come back to and that I wished I didn't have to come back to Amsterdam at all.. But of course I did come back and I was right.. I hate it here. Not one thing I like here anymore. And it's not even like anything crazy was going on there .. It was, for the most part, alot of the shit I do up here.. but the difference was without all the annoyances of this place.. And I just had more fun with all of the people down there than with my good old "friends" up here.. Everyone just seemed so much nicer and more laid back.. So anyway it was a good time and besides the lack of soberness I actually did learn a good deal about things while I was down there.. And thats not including spanish from a 3 year old. So anyway now that I'm back in the 518 I'v just been doing the usual.. Wandering around this ghost town, destroying my body wtih drugs, swimming, relaxin, Hanging out with.. other people who share general interests i guess you could say.. But maybe I'll write in here more often or something because since i'm just "a scumbag pothead" i dont have a good short term memory.. But anyway .. Who even reads this anymore?
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is those your pics of cut wrist? bye hunny
i read you're dumb diary
i read your diary mike! x3