Just the Usual

Listening to: Glassjaw
Feeling: torn
Ok so Today is Thursday Veterans Day.. Last night Chris W. and Ian came over then we went down to Chris' house and then went to Juts... Steve, Jeff, and Mex were there already and we all walked to the bike path and chilled and whatnot.. Then we went over and sat down somewhere and Bob and Preston came and then we went back to Juts and then we went up to Barkley.. Chilled there for a little then we went to the mini mart .. then as we were walking there was a big fucking black dog that was chasing us.. Then we went and sat at the bench... Then Everyone left except me chris and Ian and we went to Juts house and got some food then we walked around for about 5- 10 minutes then a little bit later I went home and fell asleep on my couch.. pretty good night.. Then this morning at like 10:30 Adan called me and woke me up.. WE went over to Jons house and Yeahh we just hung out all day long and jammed for a bit and I ate so much food but it was delicious.. Anyway so I was there for a good 5 hours.. Then me and Adan went to pats and played some thug2 then Adan left played for awhile longer then played some San Andreas then I rode home ate dinner and here I am.. Each drags a drop of blood, a grain A minute of my life
Read 6 comments

haha thanks 8)
ChRis is a cool kidd :P
you went to Jons house :) I know Jon..I love Jon --but thats another story lol

--are you friends with Brandon Luci?

x3 mEg
your thing makes you sound like your fat:-x -love amanda
hey yooooooooooou
im just getting into sit again
leave me a msg, doll.
i like your layout, a lot. and your header picture.

Love isn't dead.
It's just wounded.
Because people have given up making it better, and they only make it more shattered and worse.