sometimes you just have to turn your back on the 1 you love

Listening to: misery
Feeling: surprised
to the dont really know what to do. i love cambria and i really want something to happen between us again. but i also kinda like cristina but im not so sure. and i am not totally sur how cristina feels. but even if soemthing did happen between me and cristina i dont want to hurt cambria and i dont ant to hurt cristina. so ya. confusing eh? well i still dont know how cristina feels and i dont know what cambria wants to do and ya. well i gtg ttyl bye bye bye bye byeness hey i just realized that it is friday the 13th. lets be all gay and supersticious. it gets you so far in life. NOT. ok byebye
Read 6 comments
kenzie- cambria would feel really bad if something happend wiht u and cristina cuz she really likes u but doesnt really want a relationship
I know that she has hurt u, and thats part of the reason, actually most of the reason she dumped jose. becuz she saw that it was hurting you and now it makes her sad becuz she dumped him 4 u and now u like cristina and she just doesnt want to be in another relationship so soon again!!!
if you like the girl whos not sure more, then id wait i guess. cause if it gets ruined with her, then i guess youd never get to be with her again? i dunno i hate situations like these hope it works out for you
I am pretty shure that Cambria wants to go out again, just not yet. I LOVE YOU!
yeah it sux we havent been talking much..ur never online anymore =( well talk to u soon ((hopefully))
alright kenzie i will talk to you later!!