Until it sleeps...

The pain can be relentless, but to feel like you have no control when you want just a little so badly is enough to rip your insides out. Why can't we live without fear? Why can't we bleed without pain? Why is time responsible for all of the control? I try to live for today and let go of yesterday, but some things NEED absolution and without it we just become wanderers trapped within heartache and the torment of a love consumed. Even the good days still bring some form of tormented suffocation, it's really biting this time. I just need absolution, then I can stop wandering...for the last time. "And as darkness has set; you will remember his cry" a quote from a very talented young writer that will forever remain a piece of this day. Thank you Amanda!
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u left a note in my diary about me bein kick ass cuz we were almost the same age or something like that...well i just thought id come say hey and thanx for callin me kick ass...well ur kick ass just for sayin im kick ass lol
aww your sweet im glad you liked my peom. thank you.