I'm a cheater!

I've totally cheated on SitDiary...it just isn't "MySpace" which kicks super ass! To all of my beloved friends...I am sorry if you feel betrayed, if you want me...you can find me here: http://www.myspace.com/mitch_ryan549 Kim...come visit sometime...I miss you sweetie!
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wow.. yea i have NO idea how you missed that.. if you can see the pic of a sonogram at the top of my diary.. along with my last few entries talking about false labor and cramps and stuff.. lol yea hes ready to come any day now..

i dont know if ur real tired or what but something is making you a LIL slow.. hah jkjk u kno i luv ya! hah this is why ive been so busy! if you think about it.. it makes sense

tty soon..

x3 always

lol p.s. myspace is the best.. you wont ever be able to get off of it.. yuo thought this place used to be addicting? wait til you get trapped in the myspace world.. somehow ive been able to stay at both :)
come back to sit :(
hey you how have you been?
myspace is my life.
I stumbled upon this randomly and after reading the title I kind of wanted to slap you... but if it's just on SD with MS then I totally understand. Nothing can ever compare to the power of MySpace.
I stumbled upon this randomly and after reading the title I kind of wanted to slap you... but if it's just on SD with MS then I totally understand. Nothing can ever compare to the power of MySpace.