This weekend sucked

No joke, crappy ass weekend. What a waste. There are times when I get so damn confused about the choices I have made, but still I walk this road. I have been privelaged enough to have a mutual "love" in my life with a few different people, so I guess I shouldn't bitch about my problems. But maybe I was never "in-love," maybe I was sorting through candidates to find someone I could truly be happy with. Am I there? I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE! Being alone was easier! It just never lasted too rotten choices! I guess I will just let life happen and hope for the best. Onward....Kim, I really hope everything is okay with your grandpa, you'll have to let me know. I'm sorry for the tears you've lost. I will be here always, and if you ever felt like you needed to talk, I'm only one call away. I have gone through some impossible hardships in my life, so I can always offer an ear or even some soothing advice. Keep your head up!
Read 5 comments
hey sexy...we are on at the same time and that makes me and you cool... how 'bout that?
I would love to see some pictures. And I promis you that mine wont be disapointing when I get a chance to scan them. But you have to promis to be patient. :-) Are you into peircings too? Cuz I have a few. to ya later sexy ;-)
How can you be a Wiener towards needles when you have 10 Tatties!! lol I have my tounge, and belly button Pierced. Neither of them hurt at all. The tattoo hurt more then anything. Anyway here is my addy... It's my firms email. Just cuz I dont have internet access at home at the moment. Otherwise it would be

Well later babe!
omigod it has been forever since i heard from u yeah i still use this site but i work a lot so between school and stuff i dont get on a lot plus nobody else seems to get on everything is ok hows all with u well hope to hear from u later Lins
wow sounds like things arnt going so good. I hope it all goes better.Peace.