[64].*. Sing like you think noones listening.

Feeling: alright
urgh mikes such a pain in the ass he was talking to erin on the phone last night and he was talking about me and hes like "well, i dont like her anymore." thats what i heard from erin, but im not gunna let it bother me because he said the same thing about erin to me to me he said "well i dont care about her anymore, just you." BULL CRAP! lol but anyway i know i dont like her like uhh at all but i felt soo bad for amanda smith because i thought she was gunna like start crying this morning in the hallway. her parents kicked her out...and shes like "i...im living with people i dont even know, i dont know where to go." i thought she was gunna start the water works, but she didnt but i felt soo bad. I was talking to Ashley Quill yesterday in gym cause shes out for 10 days for her knee also she sprained it, shes actually REALLY nice well, i thought she was. We were talking about our injuries then we were talking about getting our nails done then we moved on to talking about like her injuries cause my god shes had more stuff wrong with her, jeeze. lol omg lmao yesterday 1st period we had mrs.traver for math cause all the teachers were setting up for the state assesments and lmao people were asking to go to their lockers and she was saying no, so justin was like Justin - "you say no to everything" Mrs.Traver - "no i dont.." Justin - "Can i go to my locker?" Mrs.T - "no" so then Aaron Smith looks up and says "ARE YOU A MAN??" lmao it was great she just glared at him then sent him done to the office lol it was great tho i x3 aaron lol. i was so happy like today and yesterday because i was singing to my self and rebekah goes "are you in chorus?" im like ..no.. shes like "well you should be" and a few other people have said that, i felt so special lol. then Lexi Abnoes and uhh whats her face there...Jeneine err however u spell it lol their like "you have really nice handwriting" that made me feel good lol. well im done lol later -kels Image hosted by Photobucket.com
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