[127].*."Fats guys slamming each other."

Feeling: dandy
ok i havent really updated so, heres whats going on... I LOVE HIGH SCHOOL lol i sound like such a loser but, w/e...the only reason i like it is because of all the really hot guys lol. but..yeah other then that, i hate it. like the work and stuff and getting up early and being there on time....bleh. Oh yeah, and i guess im now considered a blonde...so i have to change that icon lol. Karissa said im a strawberrie blonde even tho i have not red in my hair, my mom said its dirty blonde and everyone else is just like "..did you dye your hair over the summer?" im like noooo lol its from the sun. Ben Garner is friends with Jim Didgilio...cause like he started talking to him in study hall and he came back over and im like "you know Jim?" and hes like "yeah me and him are old friends.." all i could think was 'mhmm...hes like 2 years older then you.' but ill update l8r gotta PHONE CALL lol l8r I dont really feel like updating anymore lol im so lazy sometimes...but w/e
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Laziness is not a bad thing.
Hot guys, what about me?
lol nice but anyway i was talkign to mike and hes like i was workign out and im like mm kiwi gonna get hot and hes like ya and i got mad im like no now u sound full of your delf so i was getting pissed at him and im liek w/e bye and then he wouldnt stop iming me and then hes liek cya and im liek w/e hes liek u said u were goign and im like ya but im really not goign anywere lol he always pisses me off all the fuckin time well im gonna call later