[69].*.In Love With The 80's

Feeling: confident
ahh yes lol today was good, went in late well, i got in during 2nd period, mommy let me sleep. :-) then like all day was good nothing bad hapened and it was just a good day. Amanda has one day of inschool tomarrow and 3 days out-of-school because i think it was her and people from softball, not sure but anyway they were riding back to school or to thier house err w/e and they were waving to people and they waved to this guy and he flipped them off lol so they flipped him off and this lady behind them thought that they were doing it to her so she flipped them off and they all got pissed off at her so everyone was just like "AMANDA MOON HER!!" so Amanda DID...when she told Alison and I that during 3rd period in the hall way i was just like "PEER PRESSURE....STUPID!!" lol she just started laughing, but i mean come on! THINK. lol God... anyway the rest of the day went sllloooowww in SS we started the decades project and im in a group with brittnay urban and erick klymcow and we got the 80's!! :-D but the only thing that sux is mr.baker was saying that most of the people we wanted to dress up as, 98% of them, were probly couldnt do, i was heartbroken lol i was going to dress up as Kurt Cobain lol but then i was thinking, hmm maybe ill try and do Blondie. but idk ill have to ask. and we have to write lyrics to go along with the tune from "We didnt start the fire" by Billy Joel. lmao me and Karissa were singing it allll day lmao. then i called erin about 4:30 and im like "I hope your happy..." of course she had no idea what i was talking about. then i said "I've been playing online tony hawk since 3!" lmao shes just like "ISNT IT FUN!?!" lmao, shes awesome lol. then of course we started making fun of mike again lol cause hes such a PIMPIN LOSER lmao. "Big Mike dont like nobody" eh im done for tonight i cant really think of anything else that happened tonight. later -kels Image hosted by Photobucket.com
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