[154].*.Self Esteem

Listening to: a movie
Feeling: stunned
im so full i hate food now. ill probly hate it for a few days lol. it was fun, hung out with my family at my grandparents house, it was me, my mom, dad, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins, cousin's bf...it was fun we had a little party thing. everyone loved my hair lol and the huge cookies i made last night. tomarrow i think my other aunt and uncle are comming up and were just hanging around the house, i asked my mom if she could bring me and Erin to the mall...she said "no...im not going out at all...its black friday.." I havent been to school since last friday and it feels good lol i dont go back till tuesday cause i have a dentist appointment on monday... Im actually starting to feel comfertable with myself, like im starting to have more self esteem, better self esteem. like 2 yrs ago, i didnt have this much self esteem or anything. i think im just starting to feel more comfertable. maybe its high school. idk. I was reading a comment that someone left on someones diary and the person that left the coment goes to my school and i was reading the comment and thinking 'omg, he kinda sounds like me' but doesnt it suck when you dont know the person, like youve never actually met them and it sucks because im way to shy to just go up to someone and introduce myself to someone. Id only really introduce myself if one of my friends was hanging out with him and introduced me....hmmm some of my friends do know him...oh well there are actually a few people that i think id get along with...im just too shy sometimes. Pat said i was self absorbed because i said i liked my handwriting...i knew he was joking and he said he was but even still. Mike imed me....out of nowhere to..."Happy Thanksgiving baby.....I like you." um yeah bullllllshhhhiiiiiittttt fucking loser maybe he can come to the mall with me and Erin this weekend then i could call him fat say i lied and kick him in the nuts. hate him. Life. Hope. Truth. Trust. Faith. Pride. Love. Lust. Pain. Hate. Lies. Guilt. Laugh. Cry. Live. Die. x3 P.S.-Mike....babe, as if. not breaking it again. x3 kaythnxbye.
Read 3 comments
I dislike yogurt
very much so.

and that is all
thanks for the comment, but don't take it seriously.
check out my diary