Listening to: Erin
Feeling: productive
Today was good. It was fun, Karissa called me a loser because of how I had my hair, but I thought it looked good, so did other people. Then I got two compliments from Rebekah the first one was that I had nice eyes, which I've heard before lol Annie has told me that before. Then Rebekah and I were singing and I'm like "omg I can never sing in front of people..." so she made me sing in front of her and shes like "omg, honest to God, you have a really nice voice..." lol i was like..."omg thank you!!" lol today was really good tho. I was in a really good mood even though half the day I couldnt consentrait cause I was too busy thinking about Thomas lol... hmm I think tonight im gunna go my home work early and vacum my room and talk to Pat. lol I love Pat. :-) i guess im done for today maybe if I can think of anything else I'll update. Image hosted by Photobucket.com Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Read 3 comments
woa...his whole leg?? I would kill myself. Haha just kidding...you were probably like wtf what a bitch. lol

Who's Pat?

And why have you been thinking about me, what did I do?
aw thanx :)

you should really lisen to more ladytron because they are amazing.

your diary is adorable too i might add. i like all the little icons ♥