time warp

friday, 9 october 2015 | 0845 cdt


Wow, I'd forgot my password for some years only to remember today that it was literally the simplest thing ever and that I'm a total dunce in that regard. I mean, seriously, for me: simplest. ever.

This place is not quite a dead zone, but very close to it. I remember the beta days when Scott was still developing it; he was incredibly innovative in a lot of ways, though hindsight is what typically leads to proper appreciation. It's amazing how time re-prioritises and manipulates life.

I wonder if anyone will see this.

I wonder if my crap memory will keep sD in its forefront for a bit so this doesn't sit here capping off years' worth of writing like a lonely ship in the fog.

I wonder if I'm gunna hate what I wrote here five years hence.

I wonder how much wood a woodchu...never mind.

Uhhhn. It's kiiiinda early for me, which means I'm in my pensive state. Soz about that.

Like probably everyone else here, I've defected to Facebook. It took me quite a while to get into that thing, but now, I'm actually forcing myself a break for awhile cos I can't handle the constant barrage of what I perceive to be stupidity and insensitivity. Who knew that nearly everyone in my town was a xenophobic, emotionally- and intellectually-stagnant arsehole?

(Ok, that was a trick question: I did! But it's much, much worse than I'd thought, so. You know.)

I guess it's that time where I actually update this thing!

So. In 2011, I left Mike, who was horribly abusive (like, I have anxiety disorder and full PTSD now). It was one of the best decisions I've made, and I'm undoubtedly still alive because of it. I was smart enough to not procreate with him (so there were no custody bollocks); though he took it upon himself to do within a few months of my leaving with a girlfriend I'm pretty sure he had before I'd left, so everyone say a prayer for that poor child.

I've gone through a lot of changes, but they're primarily good ones. ( 8

I'm now engaged to an amazing bloke, and it's autumn, and I'm happy. That's extremely succinct, but it's really what counts for me. I still have struggles, but I'm handling things much better than I used to, and life is no longer a chore; I actually enjoy it.

We've just moved, also, and I love our new flat. It's fantastic.

I'm also extremely happy that it's the last quarter of the year. For me, October-December are absolutely the best months of the entire twelve, and I get pretty giddy over this. I'm not a fan of gore or that end of Halloween, but I do love the holiday for all of its jack-o'-lantern and batty charms.

Thanksgiving comes after that in the States, which to me is really just a food-laden precursor to that ultimate bastion of cheer, green-and-red decor, and fairy lights: Christmas!

My goal this year is to not give any gifts in my little fam until the holiday itself; I get so excited that I end up turning it into almost a Hanukkah-style holiday by just giving one here and then one there...repeatedly, and to the same person. I'll focus on the decorations and hope for the best.

I think this is where I'll end for now. I'm about to pass out, since I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night, so goodnight...morning...whatever.

Read 4 comments
No worries, I'll not say a word, I promise. And yes...when he's been drinking (or doing other things, lol), he is an endless talker! He has a good heart, though, even if I can't understand him sometimes, haha. ( 8

If you would like me to send you the photo, just let me know. I was so sad to hear of his passing, but I'm so glad I hung onto that photo! I meant to send it to Frank to pass on to you ages ago, but I never did get round to it. I can do it that way, still, if you'd prefer.

We all need a place we can go to have some privacy, and I'm pretty sure sD is locked up much tighter than fb (if only due to lack of concurrent traffic, haha).

Big hugs!
thanks for stopping by. The Picture of my dad? wow, that you still have this. i ask you for discretion please what regards my entries. Frank shouldnt know :) thats my diary here now for dark Soul moments and hes quite chatty when hes drunk :P
Wow, hey! How are you???
yeah, the sitdiary is still up and running, those were the days of creativity :D
be well -hellboy