
Listening to: silence
ive been reading over old entries from when i was a youngin, and i thought to myself, "damn, you were extremely unclear and undiscriptive about everything in your life." i dont understand any of what i wrote. and i was so shallow. about everything. glad thats over. ..... but anyway i SHOULD be sleeping. i have to get up in 6 hours. so i can make some sweet moolah with uncle rico. jokes. but seriously. i have a lot of thoughts. like how cute jordan is and how excited i am to see him in 5 days. i got new panties and everything! :) and ive some some money in the bank which is comforting. i still need more though. a great deal more. and if my boss would e-mail me back so i can schedule some hours, that would be ideal. ive also gotta get some shit together for this audition. such as a head shot and sheet music and put together some sort of resume and find an outfit and basically EVERYTHING that needs to be done prior to an audition is on my list. whoopie.... my nails look like shit and normally i am not very consious of how my fingernails look, but lately im anal about it. like the red is chipping off which means its black time. but what if my boss hates the black? which means i gotta go red again. but i dont own red. which means spending more money. god damn. i had 3 diet cokes today. 3! i am addicted to diet coke. im probably going to die very soon. thats unhealthy. i wish i was a health nut like my mom. and i could just do yoga and eat nothing and be thin as a rail. but i like peppermint patties and noodles. so nothing changes. oh well. i hope im not too tired tomorrow. COFFEE i say!
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are you in a long distance relationship? Because I totally know how that goes. hah. and popsicles + evening walk = amazing.
Mhmmm coffee <3 I do regret it as well... but at this juncture theres is not much I can do about it. Good luck with the audition.