sandwich wednesday

tomorrow is sandwich wednesday, the best day of the week. it is the day that mr. terry chandler orders me the most divine sandwich in the world and gives it to me FOR FREE, complete with a pickle and a coke. i live for sandwich wednesday. it is the best day of the week. 3 days til i go to new york. i have never been more excited of anything. except for sandwich wednesday. :) hopefully jordan wont have to work much so we can spend time living life! unfortunately, this also means my audition is fast approaching and i am not prepared. i need to get the music. i need to pick an outfit. i need to find a head shot. i need a new resume. and i need to do all this tomorrow. stress. today at work i lost the ring my sister brought me back from Belize. it was beautiful too. and it mustve just slipped right off my skinny ass finger. :( ive never been so upset about jewelry. even when my recycle earrings broke. and that was depressing. i wish i had long flowing hair again.
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Hah, Time Zone, try a different hemisphere; continent! Caleb lives in New Zealand, and I live in the US. Good times. Do you and your boy have a plan? that comment about long flowing hair...i felt the same way after i cut mine - really cute style but everytime i saw a picture of my long hair I wanted to cry. Silly, isn't it.