wanna have wild european sex?

Listening to: white lights - rufio
Feeling: bored
im not doing anything today. im getting money later. because im baby sitting. i should be looking for a monologue right now.... TOP TEN THINGS IM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO 01.baby sitting tonight 02.getting all my music for company 03.rehersal starting in a week 04.summer ending 05.my mom coming home 06.12 hour rehersals 07.mariah carey wanting to be the next audrey hepburn and trying to star in a new breakfast at tiffany's musical... 08.performing my unprepared songs 09.reading the sun also rises 10.making my bed
Read 7 comments
I read your entry... and what is all the music for? A musical or singing or what?
Wow. What school? That's really cool that you do that kind of stuff. I'm really into theatre and whatnot. Well good luck with everything.
Yes I have. Well they were just school plays, but it's a start, no? What have you been in?
Wow, that's pretty impressive. Do you just do it with the company you're in or with the school as well? This is such a small town and there is like no theatre stuff around here, so it's so difficult to get into things. ARG!
There is one company that I know of but the director hates me because of past experiences. So yeah, I guess I gotta look harder or something.
thats alot of money at hand =)
..egh..no i prob dont lol
thanks do i look ugly in it