nothin to worry about

Quote of the day "Oh my god it glows!!" lol Grant that was great. Sako's friends asked him if I was gothic.. again, guess they don't the difference between a punk and a goth. So apparently everything is cool between Grant and me, he actually thought I was mad at him, told him I wasn't, but I sorta am and he doesn't know why. oh well. Thought it was kinda funny that he had to walk in the rain all the way to Macardle haha that's what you get for usin Sarah for her car. Had to do some dumbass essay tests on some fuckin poem, i'm not good at interpreting that stuff and she knows it, but she still insists on giving us it. Said my "effort needs to improve" on my report card. Quit giving us stupid shit and I will. Used to be so good in english, she had to go and mess up my streak. I didn't even bother turning in my essays cuz I didn't even do them, too bad for me.. grr.. Found out some chick named Jessica and my friend Liana like my hair (so does sarah's mom lol) so that was a definite plus for me. Some people also told me my sweater is "cute" and "cool" It's not like there's anything special with it, it just has a bunch of patches and a few buttons. ehh if people like em then I must have done something right with it. Brene is so paranoid, she thinks the russian girls are out to get her, lol whatever, no russian chick is gonna go after a six foot black girl. This dude was selling ice cream after school today and i'm like wtf? it's 60 degrees and you're trying to sell frozen food. I bought myself a drumbstick from him.
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