dirty bones/pillows

Feeling: happy
Quotes of the day: "hold on GUY" "dirty bones, dirty pillows" that's definetly one I haven't heard before. "Burrrrritos.. Pilaf.. Hot dog" Song of the day: "She has a girlfriend now" by Reel Big Fish. For some reason my girlfriend and my bisexuality was mainly what I talked about with people today. odd Lets see, today was another good day. First period went by good, Grant has the best magazine cover for his magazine assignment, I wish I could remember what he put cuz that was some funny stuff. I ate most of his turkey jerky cuz I was hungry, but bambi jerky tastes better lol. Jen's dad killed bambi hahaha. Danielle came in and went off so we could talk and like I thought, she ditched school again to be with Roger. whatever, you need to be more careful with him girl. I told Ben and Grant that Jen got her tongue pierced and that I was going to buy a virbrating ring for her lol, they give me some weirded out reactions, whatever, some guys just don't know shit about that stuff. When I told Destiny she didn't care, she said that she's going to make her boyfriend get one too lol. See, girls understand these things. Her, AJ and I were talking about the chicks in my agenda and how Brody is so hott and stuff, well that part was me and AJ. she looks soo good in the Draint the Blood vid. Girls with piercing are hella hot, especially Jen. Brene is evil, she kept hitting me in class and stuff... oww. I told Ronni and Sacia about Vanessa after we walked passed her, stupid me, they started yelling out "is that the girl that wants to bang you?" "who wants to bang you?" arrrgh not cool guys. Anyways, my mom was 40 minutes late picking me up, and guess who was there with her friends.. Vanessa, jeez, they kept looking at me, it felt kind of awkward. hmm I guess that pretty much sums it up.
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i LOVE reel big fish........

annnnd yeahhh which half? :o)