what's the deal?/ mental thoughts

Listening to: Broder Daniel
Alright so as I was trying to write my essays, but didn't know what the hell to write so I made a mental note as to what i'd rather be doing then doing the essay test. 1. Screwing my girl 2. Watching tv 3. Being screwed by my girl 4. Banging my head on the desk 5. Hoping for the fire alarm to go off so the teacher would get trampled over on our way out 6. Sleeping 7. Taking notes in Shiners class for an hour and a half (ugh, that was a hellish year) 8. Being with my girl 9. Letting Ben bug the crap out of me 10. Playing my guitar Not only was I doing that, but I was thinking about all the different stuff around school, and what's the deal with it all. What's the deal with EVERYONE wearing skate shoes? I wear mine cuz I actually skate, not cuz it's "in" What's up with these girls decked out in A&F and wearing immaculatly clean skate shoes? It just doesn't look right. What's the deal with these guys who think they're punk just cuz they wear cut off dickies, chuck taylors, and ugly long hair? What was up with Ben the "industrial goth" *coughposercough* wearing a green letterman jacket? Now that doesn't look right. What's the deal with all these chicks liking me now that i'm taken? And it's not cuz of the fact that i'm off limits, most of them didn't even know I was bi or with some one. What's the deal with the wheather dropping over 25 degrees over the weekend? time to buy some thermals.
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