
Listening to: euro techno
Omg, how is it that all these people don't know what Ska is??? I've been listening to it for years and years and they know nothin about it. How is that possible? Jeeez So I went out skating earlier and it's friggin cold, need to get me some gloves or something. I haven't skated in forever and I could hardly land anything, my skills aren't up to par at the moment. It was interesting to see my little bro shooting hoops in the drive way and me out in the street skating. we can be soooo different but yet the same. I like basketball and all, but i'm more into skating. Since friday i've learned a good portion of 'drain the blood', the intro for 'open your eyes' and 'oi to the world' and part of 'vrachi.' It's been a good weekend music wise.
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Skaters are awesome. I love watchin em. Im not good enough to do it myself. Holla! A-Lee
you should really try skating. I sucked like no other at first but after practicing almost every day, I eventually got better at it. Plus it keeps you in shape