random thoughts

Listening to: common rider
so I was thinking of dying my hair black/blue but all the complaints that I would get from my mom makes me not want to do it, I don't want to go through what happened last time I did something to my hair. Foreign Armenian parents are so hard to deal with sometimes. What's kinda fun is that i'm the only armenian punk at the school though it sucks just a little too cuz they can be so judgmental, thus being the reason why I like to hang out with white people. So they're starting a gay/straight alliance club at school, it's about time too especially since there's more openly gay people at school than like the past four years combined. being bi is fun (i'm sure the armos would like that too). Destiny and I are gonna go check it out, she's like the straightest lesbian (oxy moron?) i know. i'm gonna try to get my other hetero friends to come too. so I bought this new crystal hair wax or whatever today. it's purple. a really cool bluish purple. it doesn't turn my hair purple though. damn. it better work good cuz i'm running out of my other stuff. see now the good thing about having short hair is that you spend 20 fuckin minutes trying to figure out what's the right stuff to use in your hair. there are these two hot chicks at school that I want to talk to but it's best that I keep away for now untill the vanessa thing is settled. girls are so much easier to talk to than guys and the fact that they think my shyness is cute just makes it all the better for me hehe. being "pure and untouched" helps too, at least when it comes to my girfriend who just happens to live in another state. argh. I was playing my guitar earlier today (screw for the strap thingy is still hiding from me) and the tip of my pick broke in the weirdest way. odd. though not as odd as painting with potatoes. bought a new shiney nail polish today, I love grey. alright so since i have run out of things to say I guess i'm gonna have to go do some homework *cringe* where has all my smartness gone? the fact that i've become so lazy doesn't help.
Read 3 comments
I think you should do your hair!!! It would probably be awesome. Times 7 or 8!

heart ken
Thanks for the advice. I should. I laready ruined my skin on my arms, and it makes me want to cry...eh. Maybe it will go away...