Dance dance...we're falling apart.

Feeling: abnormal
bleh... im such a stereotypical emo girl, it amuses me. and sometimes it annoys the shit out of me...BUT we wont go into that. its over and done with as far as im concerned. k? k. anyway. whats up? im hyper-ish right now. its kinda fun. DUDE, i so went trick or treating last night. thats right, you're never too old for free candy ;) but yeah, i didn't know i was going until my friend sarah called me and was like "heyyy...wanna go trick or treating?" and i was like "umm...sure?" "ok, i'll be there in 5 minutes, im at the school." so i was all "OMG! EEK!" so i came up with the best 5 minute costume ever: i call it... wait for it... EYELINER. thats right, you heard right. lol, i figured if i grabbed some eyeliner and made my makeup look scary, no one would ever guess that i dress in the spikes and tripps every day. and they didnt. i know, im a genious, you dont have to say it, i already know, lmao. WAIT. i lied. one person DID know that i dress that way every day...but he saw me every day last year, he doesnt count, lol. (we went to mr. parkers house, my old bio teacher) so yeah, it worked. OH YEAH. and theres this old dude in sturbridge that is officially my new hero. we went to his house to trick or treat, and barry was with us, and when he got his candy, he started walking away, and the old dude was like "hey, is that a real girl?" and barry turned around and was like "huh?" and the old dude was like "oh...ok..." lmao it was so great. i should put him on my myspace... haha oh yes, and i cant forget about that one house. there was this HUGE house that me and sarah went looked like a castle, and it was all decorated and such. yeah...we were afraid to knock...lmao. seriously though! this house was effing amazing! we wouldve rang the doorbell, but we couldn't...for the simple fact that there WAS no doorbell. instead, they had one of those little boxes that you push a button, and it calls the house, and they talk to you through a little speaker thingy, kind of like apartment buildings do. it intimidated us, lol. so yeah, thats pretty much my halloween adventures...except for the candy itself of course, lol. we got TONS of like, normal/king size candy bars. i ♥ trick or treating in rich neighborhoods, lol.
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omg i came up with the most absurdest costume ever! i dressed as a freak and dude trust me NOTHING of the sort MATCHED WHATSOEVER!
and we went into this haunted trail? and dude me and Bri were the only ones screaming...and we were with 5 year olds...! LMFAO!

oh and LoL bri loves that song by Fallout boy! she has a sitdiary...hers is tuneofurdeath...she ♥ Gerard too...LoL

well i'm out
♥ ya!
