=/ =(

...if you break my heart ill fall apart inside... ...but i swear ill tear you to pieces if im ever whole again...
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actually, marriage is a religious institutions with divinely mandated origines- so since God condems homosexuality (not homosexuals), gay marriage is fundimentally wrong. so fix your goofy picture foo!
I do care about having a relationship with you, just, we need to work on our friendship right now, nad I know I don't seem to be helping, sorry =(
Just because man has perverted something, that doesn't make it acceptable. I'm also perfectly aware of the politics of legislation, but still, it all boils down to principle. I don't care if you believe in God or not, it just makes you that much more susceptible, but the origins of the principles of marriage are based on the mandate of Yahweh.
I was "blowing you off" because I was in a horrible mood, I am sorry that I have hurt you hun.

I do want to work on our friendship!


Er, no I don't mean YHWH- I spell it with vouls. And I have nothing against gay people, my best friends are fags but I don't believe in futher violating a holy institution. But, I'm glad your heresy is informed, I really am, and my beliefs are informed as well. I'm not going to get into a religious education pissing match with you, if you truely want to know the reasons for my beliefs ask me nice and I'll tell you.
i call them fags, they call each other fags, i was one for a while. we're all cool with it. Yes, american society devalues marriage, I don't think that's right either, I'm just as aposed to the brittany spears 45min "just for fun" marriage as I am to gay marriage. The point for me is principle, civil unions with the same benifits as marriage are fine, I don't care, it's the preservation of the institution I care about, not politics.
er, um, no. I enjoy anal penetration but don't find men attractive. I'm sorry that it wasn't that clear cut for me. I don't give a shit about what's in, if i did I'd support gay marriage and not believe in God. Please don't presume to know me.
well, gay people can be just as happy with a civil union, and I'll be just as happy when brittany spears hangs.
ok, how about civil unions with the same benifits as marriage? I really don't care. You really don't need to get so angry.
lol, you're not black and you're not being supressed, get off your soap box and keep pushing somewhere else. I'm all for equal gay rights, but marriage is not a right, civil unions can offer the same benifits, it's not a step down, it's an equivilant. If you don't feel as special as straight people that's your own problem.
because society fears what it doesn't understand. as long as most people are straight, gays will be treated with fear and hatred, just like every other minority. Yet some people love unconditionally, which is always a step in the right direction. Unfortunately, society is pretty hateful, we're conditioned to fear what we don't understand and hate what we fear. I treat gay and minority couple the same way I treat straight white couples.
people are people, we're all born equal as far as I'm concerned- gay straight, bi, necrophiliac, dendrophiliac, whatever. It's about choice, if sodomy is a hell worth sin than I'm just as damned as the next person. But I'm trying to believe in the sanctity of some things.
if gays are allowed to get married it won't change the way they're treated one bit.
my wifey is sad.. =[

because you know i will beat the shit out of ANYONE who fucking hurts/breaks your heart. yup. don't ever doubt me on that!

i love you OH SO MUCH♥♥
have a terriffic daaayyy< 3333