
Listening to: none
Feeling: broken
so. so it goes. i havent written in an extremly long time. the pictures wouldn't load on my comp. and i got mad at it. and refused to come online. pathetic. i know. but yet again. i have a reason to complain. hes hurting me. first he came down for my birthday (whihc i might add was AMAZING) then i went up to olds for 5 days (which was great fun. then he had to go and pick his ASS UP and move himself to BC! blehg. so we broke up. and then we got back together. and NOW he has teh audacity, tahsts right the boy who was supposedly SO in love with me, he has the audacity to ignore me. well block me on msn. and not really "talk" to em anymore. why? is he that ashamed of me? if he doesnt want to be with me, cant he just end it? i dont think i mean very much to him... if he can treat me like that. oh well. complain complain compalin. thats all i ever do. maybe i should shut up. all those in favour, rasie ur hand. *raises own hand* ok shutting up.
Read 3 comments
sucky boyfriend... everyone deserves a time to complain... it's your diary! ehh... nice pic... it kinda looks like you are like underwater at night... probably not though... kickass dude... comment back if you wish.
shea it's okay.
hes an ass if he does that,
but then again, what do i know about guys
im stuck with mike.
and you s not complain a lot
you dont, really.
feel better <3
Shea, you better beat out of that boy what the hell he thinks he's doing. And it better be a good reason. lol. I love you <3