
Listening to: Nothin'
Feeling: blotto
blotto? what the hell is blotto? well, it's currently my mood. Yeah... so.. watched Cursed with ashley. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ok, i'm done. it's friggin' hilarious. yeah.. i thought i'd be scared. i wasn't. ok ok.. so this is what happens. you have these two kids.. and ones all like "special" meaning she associates with celebrities and shit. and then you have the geeky-i-have-no-friends-loser-always-thought-to-be-gay-guy. and then their parents are dead and the sister has to "provide" and of course, for plottical reasons, she sucks at it. and blah blah blah... they're driving down the road, they hit an animal, get in accident, Nadia gets ripped apart by a wild animal which is.. OF COURSE a werewolf... i mean... duh. and then they somehow get infected and it turns out that be rid of this really horrible curse you have to kill the werewolf that infected you. interesting, huh? whee for sarcasm. sooooo it turns out that the werewolf that infected them also infected a jealous female on one wild night of hot.. steamy... (ashley: merging action...) biting... yeah.. i said it. biting. sex. SEX!. but we didn't get to see any. OH! and there was this guy.. that was gay. but he didn't wanna be gay. but he was. so... he was all attracted to the geeky-guy-werewolf. yeah so the main werewolf dude infected another person without knowing it but he then infected the girl that played in casper on purpose because he loved her or something... y'know... the norm. but then she killed him with a silver pie cutter and a shovel. The end. not really.. the gay guy give the nerdy guy his ex girlfriend as sort of a truce for attempting to kiss him and make up for awkwardness... and the dog was ok. spinner. or zipper or... whatever. and they walked off into the night. and had a wild orgy. and they LIKED IT whether they wanted to or not!............ that was the directors cut of the directors cut of course... underground/bootcut version.. you won't see it in your average family video. of course... i've got connections so.. y'know. oh yeah... Ring 2 sucked my balls. not really. but it was terrible. i laughed. i cried and ashley and i died a little inside.. I have to piss.
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aahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhhahahahahhahhahahahahahaahahahahhahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaahha ahahahahahahahaaHIahahhahaha
