
Watching Mythbusters right now. I love those two guys, they're like Bill Nye only a hundred times more amusing. I used to watch Bill Nye when I was like 6... He was on PBS. That just goes to show I was destined to be nerdy. What kind of parent lets their child watch Bill Nye? Anyways.. Went to the football game last night. The game itself was disappointing considering we lost. I mean... c'mon.. It's our biggest rival. Their stands suck ass, the coffee was instant, it smelled like BO and i'm pretty sure the nacho cheese was instant as well... my hersey's bar tasted like old chalk. how can you ruin a hersey bar?! i mean it's chocolate! it must have been 5 yeats old. notice when i start ranting proper capitals just don't happen. all in all the game sucked. EXCEPT. HAH. There's an exception! I was happily watching the band (which, by the by, it so much better than HL...) and as the drumline was done i turned around and... i had to take a double-take. LISA! *voice goes all high pitched* lisa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa! *dances horribly* she's like a months worth of prozac i was so happy to see her! yeah... lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa lisa! ahm.. done now. went back to ashleys. spilled capucinno (however the fuck you spell it) all over my pants. what ellllseeee... hmm.. tonight i'm suppose to go with bobby and michael to this haunted forest thing.. i don't really see why i have to go. if i asked i'm sure the answer i'd get would be "it's a family thing" which...pfft. "it don't make no sense willis!" so i should go shower. despite popular belief i DO shower. i have herbal essences shampoo. i don't know why. i guess someone just bought it... i'm really tempted to just do a repeat of the commercials. boy, that's be weird to come home to... and they're off, like a herd of flaming ballerina homosexuals.
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