Dat Reeeaal Entry Shit

Feeling: starstruck
You wanna reaaal entry, homeh?! Well, I give yo' a reeeeaal entry..... I'm so white... Ryan.. Shuddup.. Penguin. So yeah.. hmm. Where to begin? I'll start with Friday football game. Went to the game. We won... Can i geta "whoohoo!" ..Whoohoo... I realized how much i feel out of place at those kind of events. i mean.. It's almost sad o.O; i don't belong at football games. or dances. football games are for people that actually care if their team wins or not. i heard a 13 year old girl say "I'm not going home without having a boyfriend tonight." WTF?! and that's just one example of what football games are really about... they're not about the actual game! they're about socializing and interacting with our fellow teenagers. and i think it's entirely stupid. don't get me wrong. i had a blast. maybe the lack of sleep and the short caffiene high put a damper on my spirits. so when this girl says... "i'm not going home with out a boyfriend" i think to myself.. is it that important?! and then i think... stupid girl. but then i think about it some more. Wow! i had actual brain activity happening. and somehow the world continues to turn and the sun still rose the next morning. geez... talk about your overflow of teenage hormones. they all seem so desparate. ugh.. i have my fair share of hormones but they don't seem to splurge out like the rest of them. did i mention that i had a shadow that night? a real live human shadow... that followed me around. that was a bit annoying. maybe i'm just not cut out for being a teenager. or maybe, if i think of it in the positive light, i'm an incredibly mature and smart teenager with a practical head on her shoulders. ^^. i think i've gone and pissed myself off. i hate it when i do that. it's pointless. ben said something funny that night "i hate it when people that dropped out of school like a year ago come to our football games and they have like 6 babies..." XD. so after the game all the little hormone driven teenagers went to the "dance" to participate in grinding against one another and swaying the hips in a "sexy" fashion. i gave four dollars. FOUR FUCKING DOLLARS! AHHH! to get in... and then i get in. and i realize how utterly uninterested i am in this kind of scene. i see my fellow classmates just being... stupid. i bet that at least 5 girls went home crying and 10 went home wondering if he really likes them. i must be a negative person. so i stayed for about 2 minutes. literally. then i waited outside for half an hour to be picked up. how pathetic is that? suffice to say i won't be doing that for a loooong time. saturday. i pigged out. bwhahahahaha. only 7 more pounds. i watched inuyasha... hah.. it was great... i'm sucha loser. i talked to farah for an hour. o.O it's weird we're becoming quite close. and today. woke up. i think i had a happy dream because i woke up happy ^^. whee, unicorns, rainbows and fluffy clouds happy. XD i can just imagine ashleys face when she reads that. tonight i'm going with adriane to this youth thing at her church. should be fun. i should do homework too. get dressed and maybe even take a shower... that is all for now. (insert witty and amusing exit line)
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lol ok G, your new entry is significantly hoopty. And i'm not a penguin! But yes i do see your point about teenagers these days. Society puts a majority of the superficality in our heads. Like conformity expectations, and the need for social exceptment, sigh... it never ends. And dances are mainly social "gridings" i do agree on that, lol quite amusing though. I'm glad to be anti-social :D...well sometimes.