your feeling twitchy?
What the hell?! You better make her add me! I've been trying to get her to get one for a while! Psh. What's your secret?
What the hell?! You better make her add me! I've been trying to get her to get one for a while! Psh. What's your secret?
mrs. sova, a sit diary ... :) cool. when you get her all set up (that is assuming that she makes a diary after being taught) send her name over so i can add her.

well, gots to go

glad you dont ask questions...mhm.
i like peaches!!! come comment
That's awesome. Does she have an sd now? And if so, what's her name on it? Hehe. That makes me happy.
Look at me! Look at me! I did it!
Look at me! Look at me! I did it!