
Feeling: useless
Thing I hate right now: -My body temperature. It's gotta be above average -This computer thing on my desk. It's some sort of guts out of my computer and i have no fucking idea what it is... -Hair removal lotion -the porn on tiffanys tv. -your mom -Roscommon Cesspool a.k.a Roscommon High -the time. (12:20 a.m) -wake up time -the 9 minute snooze -silly highschool relationships -(insert anonymous name) his pointless/misleading phone calls -estrogen -fat -cat accidents -my grandmothers driving -ryans driving -the smelly hair removal stuff -scratched Cd's -alcohol -biology and it's undone homework (insert shaking fist) -low carb yogurt -"hip" clothing -your dad -my dad -teenage angst -long fucking lists -cold fingers -hot cheeks -cold coffee -porccupines -energy drinks that don't work... -WHeN PeOPlE TaLk LiKE tHIs. And some things i could really use right now -cookies -a funny sexual annuendo -sleep -a cat -a shower -a mILlLlLllLLiIiioOoOoNnNNnnNNN dollllaaaarrrrrsssss BiTCh
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