An Actual Entry

So I've decided to write an actual entry. Here it goes. I've decided from this day on to refer to highschool as The Cesspool. Thank you Mrs. Boz for that truthful title. And then lemme just say: How fucking ironic is that, eh? I won't bother explaining. Y'know... since it seems all of Roscommons teenage population seem to have an account on here. I don't want to stir anything up.. but yeah... ugh. ugh. ugh. *shudder* ugh. Bagels are delicious. And I want one. Now. Bring me a bagel. Fucking diet nazi! Damn you! Damn you to Hell! Ah, crap.. this was suppose to be an actual entry. Soo... Thsuper exthcited about friday. i'm actually developing a social life. i even have a social event SCHEDULED. by jove, i'm going somewhere on the weekend. my poor parents what will they think? the poor things'll go into shock. or they'll be suspicious... crap, they're gonna think i'm out doing drugs, participating in orgies, that kind of thing. hah.. notice i got really sick of typing with capital letters? the shift key is much to far away, my pinky is too weak. i had some actual thoughts i was going to put on here. they've gone off somewhere without me. crap. tiffany and i had a whole conversation without words during bio today. we just looked at each other, waved our hands around and made gestures at each other. it was hilarious. thomas was completely unaware. *cackles* the old fool! tiffany asked what would happen if we got married. i said i'd shoot myself. XD i realized how cruel this was. yeah... i love how we can be so lesbian and just not be one. we were sitting in bio and we heard a dog barking outside farfar awaaay... we both looked at each other and mouthed "chestnut" and then we giggled. silently of course. why in the world are you still reading this? it's 11:46 pm. crap
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