blah fuckity blah blah

i has a weird dream last night. i was with ashley h and liz and we were going shopping at the outlet mall in west branch. so we were going shoe shopping. that's so weird considering liz and her shoes... so ashley and i were trying on these hot boots and liz was wearing roller blades. and she got fed up with waiting for us to try on the hot boots so she's like "i'm gonna go roller skate around" then i jumped up and chased after her. we went looking for a cool store (we're at the outlet mall in west branch) and then we couldn't find any of the normal stores. ashley h catches up with us and we go into an arcade. but ashley becomes brainwashed by the arcade game and everytime we ask her to leave she's like "yeah." in this really dead pan voice. so liz and i walk around and realize just how stupid this outlet mall is because it only has like 3 stores. so we go to this other store with out ashley h and inside this huge store is a mc donalds! yaaaay. and me being the fat person that i am, i go up to mcdonalds and get a burger and fries and a coke. but i wanted a milkshake. so i was pissed. then i look at my burger and they've just thrown it together and there's about an inche of onions on it. disgustingl. so then i offer the hamburger to my brother who was upset that he didn't get any mcdonalds. and bobby was pissed at me be. cause i got mcdonalds without waiting for them. and this is jus standing there. and then i wake up. yep. okkkkk.................. so.. i'm so glad a don't care enough about ranting to actually make a comment about it ^^; because then we just debate stupidly and everyone knows that teenagers like us debating is just silly because nothing we say ever really matters. and nicole is just smart enough to keep her mouth shut ^^. because if she didn't i'm sure people would just needlessly get angry and cranky over stupid things that niether one of us will ever have .any real say in. ahhh... nicole is learning. so i'll just roll my eyes my some snide mental comment, briefly amuse myself and then laugh. internally of course. because if i'm laughin out loud that could be cause for questioning and that could lead to commenting which could lead to more talking, debating, disagreements and b lah blahisa f;oiajf;klsjflkjfkldsjf;klsdjflkjdsncrjknfjskagjklsfv lap tops are geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey.
Read 4 comments
that is really weird
everytime i send this;
a nice chesire cat thingy,
it shows up as the thing you sent meh oO
hey nicole!!! ...wanna suck my balls?
hey nicole!!! ...wanna suck my balls?
ah yes, the fine art of debating... sigh. can be fun, but only in limited quantities (not to mention that its difficult to debate with somepeopl).

Ranting is fun, though i cant actually remember if you mentioned the word... i just think i remember it. then again, i talk about ranting some much that i may just be remembering myself and thinking that i remembered something else... wait, i'm ranting. well. well, breaks over, bye