Rant 1.

Y'know what kind of sort of bothers me? Old gossip. Well, new gossip bothers me as well... But this sort of thing really.. makes me uh, grrr... My mother came home and told me that someone told her about someone (hah, hilarious) and i just... wanted to punch the person and then i wanted to smack my mother. i don't understand why anyone cares what happened or what went down two or three years ago! it's ridiculous. apparently they have too much time on their hands to talk about someone elses troubles, troubles that are years old.... a (insert ashley snort and rolling eyes) my grandmother thinks have become less angry. she thinks i've finally realized the truth about my situation with my father.... wtf? i'm not angry. not about that... i just don't care I'M NOT ANGRY GODDAMNIT! and she automatically assumes all my "anger" would spring from that. >< is she frigging dr. phil?! caaaaaallllmmmm. i am near a lake... protected by a serene mountain... THAT SUDDENLY EXPLODES WITH ASH AND FIIIIIREEEE! HURLING LAVA AND ROCK INTO THE SKY! IT KILLS OFF LITTLE WOODLAND CREATURES AND A DEMONIC VOICE BOOMS "MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!" ........................... . ..........................
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