hell's curtain call

you'll never climb inside of me. and if you do, you're out of reach, breathing in reality, groping for hoping violently. blindly. you'll never get me to confess. instead you'd get me to undress, i love you but i hate the mess you leave me in when you leave me. and leave yourself in me. censorship and propriety; you'll cover me then lie to me. i never lied to you, my darling, riding rodeo comets through plaster ceilings was never something i classified as chance of a lifetime. but here you went anyways, casting me in all your plays, and i always was the last to die, curtain call and time i cry. tossing flowers at my feet, i've long been dead, but pretense is sweet.
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you have an excellent writing style, very original writings. oh my gosh you're literate! I can't say that about too many people... especially on what i'd like to call, the internet. i'm apt? you're a super duper hipster intellectus.
ok enough is enough! i'm friending you.
no one rocks my world as much as you do
wow? is that good or bad?
thank you very much.
Interesting as in complete nerdmonkey? I get that a lot. :P Thank you very much for thinking so though. I just started reading your stuff tonight. It's cool. I think I'll read more. I hope you don't mind being on my friends. I give my friends cookies if you want one.
just fills up space really.
Gotta love the way you write..