::pieces of peace::

everything's a whirlwind, full spin.. pulling without, turning within. oh i love this shade of purple. melancholic manic and close to tantric. i want i want to dance with him. forever his and free of sin. the sound of laughter, now and after shatters and scatters the pieces of silence the pieces of peace of mind i really don't mind... those pieces of peace were never mine we are. we. us being one, just me and me. we were two or twenty. but one is plenty. and we or me... is going crazy. taking the sidestreets, but still speeding. for some reason my hand is bleeding i guess i grabbed your heart too hard when i reached inside to bury myself not six feet but it beats hell seperation of the pieces is shattering the peace i'd scream but i'm too weak without you my world is bleak
Read 18 comments
Wow, I admire your work as well. It's nice to see some real emotion floating around this site. A lot of the personal poetry I read is really bland and seemingly heartless. Yeah, I got so many on my page at such a rapid rate cuz I just recently joined and have been unloaded lots of pre-written material one after another. I'm glad you're in love with it, there'll be more. What was it that you were trying to tell me at the last moment there?
whats the story?
you can come here.

ill add you to spinsugar...just gotta keep the riff-raff out.
uhh jesus dont like no riff raff.
[hypocritical for my own need in the moment]

oh that was spinthebottle.

well then that sucks for the both of us
i wish people wouldnt be so judgemental, you know just casting people aside, i mean jesus hung with whores man, they should all see that reality but they never will.
its really sad for human kind.
haha thank you. most people always have something stupied to say about my errors its good to see someone doesnt really care about the errors
i am the best pretender and a skillful liar

thanks for the comment
my diary=shit
cause i can't get the colors right

SAppho comes to mind.... Just the intensity i mean. URABT
...but why?
That's true sometimes i think yay january fresh start.. until you blow your new diet and what not :) but oh well, i bribed my family into going to africa over xmas to escape. go me.
The stripes blinded me... and as i write this i'm listening to my chemical romance which was... er . okay. so where's the head? the part which makes all makes all the stripes make sense.
oh for sure, i mean i always write the truth but in a way that no one knows what im talking about really, you know? but i felt like mabey this was too straight out and open, you know like this particular situation will be exposed for exactly what it is, and i dont like that... but no one ever knows what im talking about even when i say it as clear as i possibly can, and this will probably not be an exception.
thanks, youre too kind. and that entry is a little too honest but since you said that i feel better about it.
Hi,glad some ppl agree with me i thought i was the only one who wasn't all woo! about december :p
p.s. i like the way you write.
whats what like? im freshman (9th).

well your head is missing.

thanks. that confused me at first because i was like..what song??
thank you, i like yours too.