cold rush

if you don't want to see, then don't look. i felt alone today, and for once not lonely. the colour of brandon's eyes, warm or cold, is enough to keep anything calm. where is michael? does anything matter to him anymore? i don't want to be with someone who doesn't care if i crush him. do i want to be with someone that maybe i can't crush? _fairness and consistency _BF Skinner this morning my alarm clock didn't go off. i have no zero period, so my mom takes me to school now. well, my attempt at typing a normal entry just failed. bored. probably boring. i guess i'll end this here.
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now as in one o.clock?
sorry by the way. for having too many names and for writing that.
i don.t wish for you to feel alone.
thank you. your very sweet i shall add you as well sence i dont get to many people like you that really read what i write they seem to always want codes or just look at the look of my journal.
*gives you a bruises*
muahahaha!! lol

Ya thanks man...

aww really thats awsome thanks.
BF Skinner designed a new type of crib for his children that remained a perfect warm temperature so they never needed to be wrapped up in blankets. Everyone thought his children went mad and suicidal because of the crib being less "affectionate" and "comforting" than a typical crib...they turned out to be fine.
Of course you probably knew that.