say no to drugs.....

Listening to: me singing......
Feeling: sore
DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!! yo its been so fun sleeping over my dudes house for the past week and change, but now his mom comes back tomorrow!!! that blows!!! well, it was fun while it lasted... now its time for me to sleep in my own bed... by myself... all alone... bored... hmmm... at least i could actually sleep without having my dude wake me up mad early in the morning cause he wanted sex and i was too tired so i have to kick his butt to get him to relax... that was fun though... i smoked with him twice this week and it was hilarious!!! i couldn't stop laughing and he was mad serious, so our highs were completely different... i was buggin out and he was mad mellow... my friend "sab" came over with some milk and cookies and in my craziness i asked him if i could dump a cookie in his he didn't know what to say to that cause he dont smoke, so he just looked at me... i was just laughing like crazy... i wasn't even gonna eat the cookie, i just wanted to dump it in his milk... damn, when i smoke i turn into a little kid... that day i also told my dude that if he goes to jail, i'll wait for him for 10 years and then i gotta move on... it bugged him out... he started asking questions like why he would be in jail and stuff like that... it was cool... like being interogated and stuff... MY TEETH HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need to start going to the dentist... i hate them though!!! all dentist are evil!!! my first dentist was some old dude that had a crush on me and didn't hide it... the only good thing about him was that he paid for a couple cabs for me when i didn't have money to get to my appointments and instead of having a metal tooth put on as a cap after the rootcanal, he gave me a real looking tooth for free... but he still freaked me out and i wasn't comfortable opening my mouth to him... then i went to another place where they didn't give me enough anastisia and well, that was the end of that... **say no to drugs and then give ur friend a hug!!! it will make u feel good all day!!! with drugs u blow ur life away!!!** thats the song i learned in elementary school when they tried to teach us about drugs... i never did listen in I LOOK MAD BUSTED IN THIS PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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we are dying because we are killing each other.