i DoN't KnOw..........

Listening to: The fan blowing....
Feeling: desolate
Lately me and my dude haven't really been talking... I call him and he calls me and we IM each other, but he has nothing to say... I do 95 percent of the talking and I already ran out of things to say... I don't know if he forgot how a conversation is suppose to go or if he's just bored of me... Either way, he gotta let me know what’s really good... He blames it on him being tired, but I know humans who work just as hard as him, and they talk to me... Its not like I’m telling him to do JUMPING JACKS or anything... It's talking... Ur mouth can't be tired unless someone else is tiring it out for u and that’s my job, so that’s bad business... We don’t really kiss like b4 and its just like he doesn't want to... I don’t know... I ain't stressing it cause I'm tired of always being stressed, but I just find it weird... And kinda funny... lol... anyway, here’s some weird news... two of my friends asked me to have their babies... lol... not at the same time or anything, so don’t think dirty... :-P Um... Today I did nothing... Chatted online... Watched TV... Sleep... Missed school (over slept)... Called my boyfriend a "BUTT SUCKING BUTT SUCKER"... lol... All that fun stuff... Here’s me watching TV:
Read 12 comments
yeah was/am a bit iffy but i also know i get paranoid about the worst scenario in situations, lol.
Ah but when your old the 'old' guys won't seem so old cos they'll be similar age to u, lol.
Guys are trouble *boys are bad throw rocks at them*
love Amy xx
hey, if there's a good show on...why not? lol.
right on. that is the coolest thing ever! i'll have to tell teresa. she'll like that. i'm going to add you to my friends just cause that was the coolest comment ever.
Woo, your day sounded fun.

Hmm, I also am having fun playing with your kitty ^-^ (dont think dirty) haha.

Thank you! It's nice to hear from people who appreciate my work.

I felt that way for a long time. I don't think I'll ever completely accept not feeling that way.

The only advice I can give, not that your asking for some but I'll give it anway, is: Stop questioning. You'd be amazed about how little people actually think about you. It's easier said than done. But it's because of questioning I haven't progresses much in life.

Thanks, thats exactly what my best mate said too, lol, i know thats the right thing to do, but it's also the hardest thing to do, be so close to someone you can't have?, thanks again.
Actually I was talking about a guy...
well thats what u say now and then once u have a job u start to understand why u quit ur lat job
hahaha i could only get 3 of the pictures to upload but theyre there!
hehe. that works too. i think ...
i wonder how that would work.
hmmm ...
something to think about

we can see up your nose...

jk i dig the diary
yeah thats my biggest problem with drinking... i have absoultely no shame when im drunk. then the second i sober up im just like "oh fuckkkk"