
*Name:Valerie *Age: 12 *Grade: 6 ************************** Favorites *color: green-yellow-blue-hot pink-black-white *animal: dogs and tigers! *car: pt. cruiser! *soda: Dr. Pepper-Vanilla coke-Sprite *fruit: I love all foods! But I really like.....strawberries and plums! *sport: I LOVE BASKET BALL! *store: Icing-Clare's-Family Dollar!(everythings a dollar! yipee!) *scent: cucumber melon-love it! LOVE IT! *movie: THE LORD OF THE RINGS ROX MY SOX! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! *song: Outkast-Hey ya-Blink 182-I Miss You-Shine Jesus Shine- *type of music: everythinag excepy for- heavy metal- classical- the blues- country! *radio station: Q 97.9 *TV show: Degrassi-Whose Line *subject: SCIENCE IS THE BEST! (hate math!) *teacher:Mrs. Burgess *food: I love all fod but favorties are- Ice Cream- Salads- and Potatoes! (not mixed to gether though! *candy: Hersheys with almonds and reeses! (RU N2 PB?) *cereal: oats and more! ( with almonds! love almonds!) **website: diaries.suchisthis.com! (hey I'm here now aren't I?) *instrument: I want to learn the guitar and drums, but right now I know the keyboard! *shoe company: um? where..they..make..shoes??huh? *gender: boys duh! wut do you think i am? I LIKE BOYS! *teehee* *language: english.....wut do you think I was speaking this whole time?!~?!?!? *celebrity: I LOVE ORLANDO BLOOM ELIJAH WOOD AND DOMINIC MONAGHAN!*~*!~ *flower: roses and carnations! *book: THE LORD OF THE RINGS! anything tolkien! *club: THE LORD OF THE RINGS CLUB! (it is a real club!) *phrase: weenershnitz!-absotivly posilutly!-cunfuzzled!- ********************************************** Future *job: RICH/FAME-vet or zooligist! (love animals! <3 ) *married or no: (duh!) I would like to get married! *children: Yes plz! one or two! *car: pt cruiser! *pets: I would love to have like 5 dogs and 1 or 2 cats! *house: yea duh! I am not going to live in a grocery cart! *where will you live: I am a Maine girl and would rather stay here! ********************************************** Other Stuff *Had a BF/GF? nope...not yet but I will get one wen I am ready! *gender: female *any pets? 3 cats! (my mom = cat lover which makes me a= cat lover! ) Shylynne-Christan-Nibbles! *any siblings? One twin sister- Vanessa- Older sister- Brooke- Stepsister- Randy! (yes it is a girl's name too!) *what school do you go to? Wut so you can track me down and kidnap me?! NO WAY! *do you have a computer? no I just found out a way to get to the internet w/o a computer! (*SARCASTIC*) *what scares you? SPIDERS! sometmes the dark is a little freaky! YOU SCARE ME! *have you ever been obsessed over someone? YEA! (NOTICE FAV CELEBS!) *do you want to be famous?YEA! (and rich! I plan to give my money to family-friends-and charity!) *do you wear glasses? No I see 20-20! *do you have tonsils? yea! oh no jeez I was born w/o tonsils! *do you play an instrument? yup-keyboard! ( want a guitar and drum set!) *Republican or Democrat? I am not sure wut either of them means soo....poo on you! haha! *ever made a useful invention? yes...I call it "The Way To Get Internet w/o A Computer~!" *ever beat anyone up? no...but I have killer long nails! *if so, who? haha! everyone! BEWARE! *very annoying person? BFF JEEZ ARE THEY ANNOYING! haha! oh and spongbob! annoying but so cute! *do you look older, younger, like your age? younger because I am a bity shorter than others! *do you act older younger, or like your age? younger..I may just be a bit immature! but w/e! *any nick names? VaL*** oh but ppl used to call me FiEsTy*** ********************************************* rate the following from 1 to 10 (1 being the highest) *your loudness: 10! *your funniness: 10! *dorkiness: 10! *smartness: ......10! *blondness: 10 *athleticness: 8! (love basket ball though!) *popularity: Jee i dunno! 1? 2? 7? 3248389418? *creativness: 100! I am a pretty creative person! remember my internet w/o computer? love me! comment me! tell me I am wonderful! but mostly comment me plz! VaLeRiE
Read 4 comments
Oopsy! I forgot to put the title and everything else! oh well! :-p
hey thanks your diary is really cute too. I love the blue rose. Stop by again sometime!

lol... love ur bio! haha... im actually quite like u im very very crazy! hehe i mean in a good way! please stop by my diary! o, and can u tell me how u got ur cursor like that? thanx!
wow ur pretty interesting...thanks for commenting ..:P keep in touch